Essential oils
Our pure essential oil blends are made up of 100% premium essential oils.
To use- drop a few drops into your water tank of your essential oil diffuser.
e. 10ml per bottle.
Anxiety- Lavender, Rosewood, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang.
Sunset- Grapefruit, Orange, May Chang, Ylang Ylang & Geranium essential oils.
Juicy Fruits- Orange, May Chang, Lime, Lemon & Grapefruit essential oils.
Goddess- Orange, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, White Grapefruit essential oils.
Relaxing- Mandarin, Cedarwood atlas, lemon, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, bergamot essential oils.
Sunkissed- Bergamot, Pink Grapefruit, Rose Geranium, Lemon, May Chang essential oils.
Spring Time- Orange, White Grapefruit, Lemon, Geranium, Jasmine absolute essential oils.
Energy- Peppermint, May Chang & Lemon.
Mental Clarity- Grapefruit, Bergamot, Basil & Lemon.
warnings- Always consults your doctor before using any essential oils when pregnant.
Always be careful using essential oils around pets as they can be toxic to animals- consult your vet.
Do not place essential oils directly onto skin
Not for internal use!
Keep out of reach of pets & Children!